
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Where's Oct.?

I just noticed that I have left you all without an October! So much has been going on, most of which has been a whole lot of sickness. Both kiddos have had some kind of cough/congestion junk for 6-8 weeks now. Jackson ended up developing a double ear infection because of it and that just sucked. Then for about a week, it looked like maybe they were getting better, but then nope! The cough/congestion returned. Luckily they have been able to eat/sleep fine, but then a nasty stomach flu decided to invade all of Houston. Phil got it last week, but thinks it may be just been food poisoning, but I'm not so sure. Then I got it, then Makayla got it last night and was up from 1:30am on, throwing up almost every hour. Again, that sucked. Then at about 5am, Jackson wakes up SCREAMING in pain, and we figured out it was because it was SO congested that he just couldn't breathe! Poor baby! So I basically had to sleep (yeah right) sitting upright holding Jackson. That, in turn equaled no sleep for Phil and I. And of course, what would I have today, but my much anticipated Fall Market (my first one!) and I had to really debate if I should miss it. Phil stayed home from work and then his mom came over to help since my mom was going to help me at the market. 
After talking to the Dr. and luckily Makayla had pretty much stopped throwing up by about 8:30 this morning, he reassured me that she wasn't dying and would be ok. Yes, I am one of those Mom's that even though Makayla has gone through this type of sickness before, I panic. I always think that the worst is happening and she is getting dehydrated and that a Dr. needs to see her ASAP! But this is because I love my children with every fiber of my being and HATE seeing them sick and I want someone to fix them, NOW! 
So after getting that reassuring word from the Dr., my mom and I headed off to the market. Phil kept me updated and unfortunately Jackson started running fever shortly after I left. He took him to the Dr. (don't you know he was sick of hearing from us?!), and pleaded with him that Jackson really needs to be on some kind of antibiotic. He had been dealing with this sinus stuff for too long and the Dr. noticed he was starting to get a little fluid in one of his ears... which hello! means another ear infection is not far behind. So Jackson is on some good meds and Makayla is slowing on the mend as well. 
I, however am still feeling some effects of the stomach bug and now I'm really congested with a runny nose. Ugh. But at least my kiddos are slowly getting better. I'll take that any day! 

So that was my long excuse of why you didn't hear from me for over a month! We did go trick or treating on Sunday and I have some super cute pics of the kiddos in their costumes! I promise in the next few days I will post them. I just need a day or two to recover!